Sunday, April 27, 2008

Majulah Singapura!

What should I do now that I have a pink IC?
Maybe I should apply to work for Mindef? Or become a MP? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Danica Patrick wins

I can't believe she actually won a race. I thought she is like that tennis slut, Anna what's her name, who has not won a SINGLE TITLE in the tennis circuit but gets a whole load of endorsements because she is pretty.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sufiah Yusof "influenced by black magic"?

Some excerpts from
"Based on discussion with Islamic medical practitioners and several divine guidance, we are convinced that Sufiah is under the influence of black magic. For that reason, a delegation from Malaysia headed by Ustaz Trimizi Zainal will depart Malaysia on 19th April to treat Sufiah using Islamic Medical practice. Ustaz Trimizi Insha'Allah will be in UK for 1 month and Insha'Allah he will treat Sufiah for the whole of the duration.
"Since the primary objective of the delegation is for the treatment of Sufiah for the sake of Allah, we hope you will be able to contribute as follows:
1. monetary contribution to cover the cost of flight, transportation, food, lodging etc for 1 month
2. making supplication and hajat prayers so that Allah will make it easy for us to meet Sufiah and treat her
3. disseminate this information to others so that they too will make supplication and hajat prayers and donate some money"

Really? I am shell shocked? How much money do they need? Will they be flying coach or first class? Where are they staying, YMCA or The Lowry?

Leave Sufiah alone. She seems happy in this video.
Sufiah Yusof Video

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sufiah Yusof is not Malaysian

Malaysian government is sending a team of people to help save Sufiah Yusof from a "predicament". I personally think Sufiah Yusof is happy what she is doing and definitely does not want to be saved by some Muslim clerics from Malaysia. She is not even a Malaysian. Why does the Malaysian government want to help a non-Malaysian? Maybe because Sufiah's mother was a former Malaysian and the name "Sufiah Yusof" sounds Malay and Sufiah looks like a Malay girl.

Or maybe the Malaysian government wants to help high profile cases like this as this generates more publicity than helping needy Malaysians facing similar problems back at home? Typical Malaysian crap.