In the latest episode of the Amazing Race Season 12, Kynt & Vyxsin got eliminated. They came in last in the previous episode so they had to incur a new game penalty called the "speed bump." The "speed bump" is another additional task which only the last team in the previous round had to perform. Honestly, they did pretty well in that task and managed to catch with the Jennifer & Nathan. Both teams (the Goths and Jennifer & Nathan) raced to the next clue where a U-turn lied ahead. This is another new game concept, where a team can force another team to back and perform the task of the detour. The Goths reached the U-turn first and decided to use the U-turn against Nicolas and Donald who might have already completed the race! OK, the Goths may not have known this but their closest competitors at that time was Jennifer & Nathan - they met each other in one of the tasks (the flower garland making task). Common sense would dictate that you need to get rid of the closest competitor to you at that point in time. I am sure if Jennifer & Nathan reached the U-turn first, they would have used that against the Goths. Actually, Jen & Nathan seem very anxious to reach there first. I would! Alas, in the race to the pit stop at Mumbai, Jen & Nathan reached there before the Goths.
I like the Goths, they were entertaining but played their cards wrongly. Maybe too much sun and make up, caused Kynt to make a really stupid decision.